The Venue is: Airport Gateway Motel, 45 Roydvale Avenue, Burnside, Christchurch
Start time is: 1pm
The agenda will be released closer to the date, based on nominations and remits submitted between now and then. One key item that will be on the agenda is the draft updated Constitution. The National Council ask that you examine the draft updated constitution and provide your feedback asap, so that we can have the constitutional lawyer have one more review before the AGM.
In accordance with the Constitution (Rule 48) five offices of the National Council are hereby declared vacant. Those due for replacement as at AGM 2024 are:
Please ensure that all nominations include the nominees’ written consent. This is now a legal requirement.
The closing date for National Council nominations is 5th May 2024.
Nominations are to be emailed to: AANZ Secretary: [email protected]
Please note that those Council members standing aside are eligible for re-election if nominated again.
Enclosed with this notification update is Form C. This is the nomination form for the National Council and is to be returned to the National Secretary at the AANZ office by the above date.
If you have any Notices of Motion, Remits or questions you would like tabled and answered or to be included on the Agenda for the AGM, please advise the Secretary in writing at the above email address by 5th May 2024.
The process for submitting a remit or motion is described in sections 118 and 127 of the constitution.