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Become a Member

Annual Membership

The Association offers an annual membership, it runs from the time of payment and is for 12 months from that date. Your membership must be fully paid to process any transactions.  

Application for Membership Document

Online Application Form


Please direct enquiries regarding membership to: [email protected].

Enquiries relating to the registry such as, how to register a stud name, how to register progeny, and sire registration should be directed to the Registrar: [email protected]


Partner/Corporate/Individual Membership

▪ Receive all correspondence, information, and updates
▪ Receive regular newsletters.
▪ Can register a stud name, on the IAR(NZ) Alpaca Registry
▪ Can register eligible alpaca on the IAR(NZ) once a stud name has been registered
▪ Right to vote at AGM and SGM or via postal voting
▪ Individual and partner members can hold any office in the Association
▪ Corporate members can appoint up to two nominees to exercise the rights of membership on its behalf
▪ The nominees of corporate members cannot hold any office in the Association
▪ You can exhibit at shows

Lifestyle Associate Membership

▪ Receive all correspondence, information, and updates
▪ Ineligible to vote or stand for election to any office
▪ Cannot exhibit at shows
▪ You are not listed under the Directory of members on the website or in the printed Membership Directory
▪ Does not permit herd animal or stud registration


Subscription fees for the period of 1st April 2024 through to 31st March 2025 - Prices include GST.

Individual, Partner, Corporate (full membership)
Annual Fee $240.00
Pro Rata Fee is joining 1 October – 31 March $185.00
Individual, Partner, Corporate (International)
Annual Fee $263.00
Pro Rata Fee is joining 1 October – 31 March $199.00
Lifestyle Associate Membership
Annual Fee $118.00
Pro Rata Fee is joining 1 October – 31 March $93.00
Lifestyle Associate Membership (International)
Annual Fee  $145.00
Pro Rata Fee is joining 1 October – 31 March $111.00

Direct Credit - Bank of New Zealand 02-0506-0173873-000
Please quote your surname as the reference.


Members will be invoiced for services provided and payment is required by 20th of the following month.

If you do not wish to receive your invoices by email contact our accounts admin.

Terms of Trade

We will invoice members at the time of transaction.  Invoices will be collated at the end of each month and a statement will be issued.  Payment is required on the 20th of the month following date of invoice. 

If a member is 60 days or more overdue in any amounts owing to the association then that member shall not be able to carry out any AANZ related transactions or activities until the account is paid in full. National Council may review this after a suitable period or under extenuating circumstances.

AANZ Correspondence


By far the most cost effective way for us to contact you is by email.  If you want to know what is going on make sure we have your email address and you check and read the newsletters. The latest newsletters or updates can be found here. 


Keeping your details up to date

If your details change throughout the year please contact the admin team to ensure you do not miss out on any correspondence.


Whilst conducting official AANZ business all reasonable expenses can be claimed for.

Please note that there is an approval process for all expense claims.  Contact the accounts admin